The third game of the world series is scheduled for Halloween. I can see clearly now. I see alpha males, clutching beer, greeting kids at the door, spewing profantity at the Sara Palin-look alikes to go away.Pro baseball, and pro sports generally, are capitalism on steroids.It is all money.There was a time when , if the Yankees ended in first place, they went directly into the Series. And the series was over by mid-October.Now there are playoffs everywhere, in every type of division. It is all about money.The baseball pros are paid big bucks. So why not work them till they drop. I’ve long thought that baseball is as exciting as watching grass grow.Now with Astroturf, the grass doesn’t even grow.Last night’s Yankee-As game took almost 5 hours. I watched the last hour.The little kids in the stadium were dressed as little Yanks or As. How much do those uniforms cost at Target? The tykes are walking billboards for baseball teams. It is marketing on steroids.For 5 hours, you are fixated on the outfield billboards. By the second hour, you begin to see the the geico walking on the GEICO billboard.Every hour you see Kate Hudson routing for ARod, who will dump her faster than Dave Letterman rotates his interns.For five hours, you see that ubiquitious Pat Sajak sitting in his expensive box seat behind home plate. Every pitch, every inning, for 5 hours, there is that guy sitting there, spinning his wheel of fortune in his overactive neurotransmitters. Vanna White is easy to take for 5 hours..but Sajak?Waiting for the World Series is like waiting for Godot.It is all about money.I imagine that Sajak will ask to be cryogenicly frozen after his death.
Let's hope some disgruntled hoodlum will not use his head for a baseball, as someone did with the frozen Ted Williams head.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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