(..In the world of the Clintons, of course, what constitutes
and everyday has never been either. So the question was inevitable:
Given who he is, and who she is, does Bill, among their guffaws over the
dogs and stupid movies, harangue her daily about running for president?
….To this, Hillary Rodham Clinton lets loose one of her loud, head-tilted-back laughs. “I don’t think even he
is, you know, focused on that right now,” she says. “Right now, we’re
trying to just have the best time we can have doin’ what we’re doin’.?”
There’s a weightlessness about Hillary Clinton these days.
She’s in midair, launched from the State Department toward … what? For
the first time since 1992, unencumbered by the demands of a national
political campaign or public office, she is saddled only with
expectations about what she’s going to do next. And she is clearly
enjoying it….”
http://nymag.com/news/ features/ hillary-clinton-2013-9/
The buzz among the politico cognoscenti, and talking heads, is the current New York mag. interview with Hillary.
Her comments are being interpreted as being open to running for POTUS in 2106.
Sure, such comments make good fodder for our 24/7 news media.
But no ambiguous politico plans beyond the next electoral cycle..in this case, 2014.
Will 2016 be a good year for a Dem. POTUS candidate?
How will the stupid party, now morphed into the crazy party (GOP)
evolve? Will it become embers in the tea party bonfire? or will it shed
its’ extremism, and move toward the middle?
If Obama burns up, and is as unpopular as Bush 2 in 2008, the Dem. POTUS nomination will not be worth it.
And HIllary’s potential candidacy really depends on her, and Bill’s health, and other personal factors.
Should Hillary run, her polarizing role in Bill’s White House years;
and her somewhat mediocre tenure as Sec. of State will be major issues.
and everyday has never been either. So the question was inevitable:
Given who he is, and who she is, does Bill, among their guffaws over the
dogs and stupid movies, harangue her daily about running for president?
….To this, Hillary Rodham Clinton lets loose one of her loud, head-tilted-back laughs. “I don’t think even he
is, you know, focused on that right now,” she says. “Right now, we’re
trying to just have the best time we can have doin’ what we’re doin’.?”
There’s a weightlessness about Hillary Clinton these days.
She’s in midair, launched from the State Department toward … what? For
the first time since 1992, unencumbered by the demands of a national
political campaign or public office, she is saddled only with
expectations about what she’s going to do next. And she is clearly
enjoying it….”
The buzz among the politico cognoscenti, and talking heads, is the current New York mag. interview with Hillary.
Her comments are being interpreted as being open to running for POTUS in 2106.
Sure, such comments make good fodder for our 24/7 news media.
But no ambiguous politico plans beyond the next electoral cycle..in this case, 2014.
Will 2016 be a good year for a Dem. POTUS candidate?
How will the stupid party, now morphed into the crazy party (GOP) evolve? Will it become embers in the tea party bonfire? or will it shed its’ extremism, and move toward the middle?
If Obama burns up, and is as unpopular as Bush 2 in 2008, the Dem. POTUS nomination will not be worth it.
And HIllary’s potential candidacy really depends on her, and Bill’s health, and other personal factors.
Should Hillary run, her polarizing role in Bill’s White House years; and her somewhat mediocre tenure as Sec. of State will be major issues.
As NYC women try to figure out what’s motivating Abedin, a spokesman for Weiner declined to say whether his wife would continue to play an active role in his campaign.
Anthony Weiner’s smartest path from here to primary day: Retail, retail, retail.
Leathers’ mother, Laura, told the DN: “I have nothing to say except God help New York if he gets to be mayor. You can print that..)
In my humble opinion, Weiner’s smartest path from here to primary day is hightail, hightail, hightail to the nearest competent therapist.
Humorist Andy Borowitz reveals that Weiner was actually sexting during yesterday’s apology press meet up.(http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/borowitzreport).
This Leathers young lady that Weiner was sexting with last Summer went public and declared that Mr. Anthony was lousy at phone sex.
I’m older than dirt, and I don’t understand what phone sex is all about.
Can you do it only with a smart phone?
Is there an app. for this?
If it is done with a pay phone, what would it cost; and is it a higher felony than when done privately?
Expect Mayor Bloomberg to don his nanny hat and declare that his great city, the beacon to the world, the home of the Statue of Liberty that asks to “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”…that this great metropolis doesn’t need a mayor who is lousy at phone sex.