(The NY Daily News editorial board is calling on Governor Cuomo to push Weiner from the race.)
Agree, but should be with a hidden hand, private actions.
The Gov. may be reluctant to go public on this moral issue, but a hidden hand push may convince Weiner to withdraw.
Huma's role here is ambigious.
Is it ambition overcoming rationality?
Is Huma channeling the early Hillary when the Clintons went on 60 minutes, and Hillary proclaimed she is NO Tammy Wynette stay at home cook while the hubby goes out to conquer the world, and also play kid games at the same time?
Weiner allegedly said to Leathers that his marriage to Huma was "a sham....a political union..."
Huma should take away all of her hubby's toys...the phones, close the twitter account, the laptop, the tablet and all the other toys that little boys like.
Should social media and Steve Jobs take some responsibility for what Weiner has, and is, doing?
Facebook, smart phones etc. allow humans to communicate without touching other humans; without interacting on a human level.
But then there is that "San Diego mayor Bob Filner caught up in sex scandal. 7 women now accusing Bob Filner of sexual misconduct."
Filner actually interacted in person, rather than the impersonal online shenanigans.
At least one woman says Filner would get her in a head lock.
A head lock? Is that uncommon in an office environment?
Filner says he will go into a 2 week intensive therapy session to purge the inner demons.
Will he put the female therapists and aides in head locks?
Somebody help me...I'm on the floor convulsed in uncontrollable laughter.
Agree, but should be with a hidden hand, private actions.
The Gov. may be reluctant to go public on this moral issue, but a hidden hand push may convince Weiner to withdraw.
Huma's role here is ambigious.
Is it ambition overcoming rationality?
Is Huma channeling the early Hillary when the Clintons went on 60 minutes, and Hillary proclaimed she is NO Tammy Wynette stay at home cook while the hubby goes out to conquer the world, and also play kid games at the same time?
Weiner allegedly said to Leathers that his marriage to Huma was "a sham....a political union..."
Huma should take away all of her hubby's toys...the phones, close the twitter account, the laptop, the tablet and all the other toys that little boys like.
Should social media and Steve Jobs take some responsibility for what Weiner has, and is, doing?
Facebook, smart phones etc. allow humans to communicate without touching other humans; without interacting on a human level.
But then there is that "San Diego mayor Bob Filner caught up in sex scandal. 7 women now accusing Bob Filner of sexual misconduct."
Filner actually interacted in person, rather than the impersonal online shenanigans.
At least one woman says Filner would get her in a head lock.
A head lock? Is that uncommon in an office environment?
Filner says he will go into a 2 week intensive therapy session to purge the inner demons.
Will he put the female therapists and aides in head locks?
Somebody help me...I'm on the floor convulsed in uncontrollable laughter.
As NYC women try to figure out what’s motivating Abedin, a spokesman for Weiner declined to say whether his wife would continue to play an active role in his campaign.
Anthony Weiner’s smartest path from here to primary day: Retail, retail, retail.
Leathers’ mother, Laura, told the DN: “I have nothing to say except God help New York if he gets to be mayor. You can print that..)
In my humble opinion, Weiner’s smartest path from here to primary day is hightail, hightail, hightail to the nearest competent therapist.
Humorist Andy Borowitz reveals that Weiner was actually sexting during yesterday’s apology press meet up.(http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/borowitzreport).
This Leathers young lady that Weiner was sexting with last Summer went public and declared that Mr. Anthony was lousy at phone sex.
I’m older than dirt, and I don’t understand what phone sex is all about.
Can you do it only with a smart phone?
Is there an app. for this?
If it is done with a pay phone, what would it cost; and is it a higher felony than when done privately?
Expect Mayor Bloomberg to don his nanny hat and declare that his great city, the beacon to the world, the home of the Statue of Liberty that asks to “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”…that this great metropolis doesn’t need a mayor who is lousy at phone sex.