Some Cannon ruminations____________________Is it a beautiful late Summer Saturday morning, or what? The leaves are beginning to turn. All is right with the universe.It was then Senate GOP leader Everett Dirksen who once said about fed. spending,. "a billion here, a billion there. After a while, it begins to add up..." LBJ used to bring ol' Eve to the Wh, fill him with scotch, and Eve would say "yes" to everything LBJ wanted.
The supreme financial bailout will cost us between $700b and $2 trillion. What's a trillion here, or there? It will be borrowed from the Chinese and the Walmart family.-------------------------Who said "Sarah Palin doesn't know her Fannie, from her Freddie"? It sounds like a Barney Frankism or a Joe Bidenism. Anyone out there know who said that?"_______________
A forthcoming book by a Fidel Castro aide says he bedded 35,000 ladies over a 40 year period-2 or 3 per day. Now that is speed dating excelisor. It's a dubious perk when you are the Supreme Commandant. Fortune Mag. has also estimated that Fidel's personal wealth is over $1 billion.
Why would you favor democracy when you can have all the wonderful perks. that come with being a dictator?
With the possible exception of universal, free, health care, Fidel has been a disaster for Cubans. JFK and RFK were probably morally correct in wanting to assassinate Fidel. Fidel's female slave trade would have been disrupted. Joe Kennedy, the father, wanted to buy Cuba and then sink it. Should've happened.________________________Does 2008 resemble 1932, or what? The economic sharks that have encircled the US are described by Kevin Phillips (Bad Money)....a good read. It is Obama's FDR moment.
George Bush is no Herbert Hoover. Hoover was a traditional conservative, slow and reluctant to use the State to arrest the Depression. Bush is a corportist neo-conservative. Yesterday, he outlined a plan that will have the State intervene in the private sector never before seen. Those crazy neo-cons believe in privatizing profits, and socializing losses.
The 1930ies Depression resulted from the excesses of the 20ies Guilded Age. The current crisis is a result of the new Guilded Age..Wall Street excesses, finanical casinoism, income inequality, and corruption.
Obama should win the WH in a walk. The fact it is a close race now is due to other factors. Assuming he wins, he should invoke an FDR-type 100 days of action. Michael Moore describes 10 actions that Obama should do quickly (Mike's Election Guide 2008). Most are good, a few are silly:
1)Institute a military draft. But only draft the 18-26 yr. old children of the richest 15% income earners (about 1.4 million). This would check the power structure from invading countries too quickly;
2)Force the rich to pay Social Security tax (6.2%) on all income over $102k. This would make SS solvent through the 21st century. And bury, forever, the canard of privatizing SS;
3)Ban all commercials in movie theaters;
4)Defeat Al Qaeda by building wells in the 3rd world. 2 billion people have no santitary sewers and 1 billion have no drinking water. Building wells for them would cost $10 per person, and create tremendous good will;
5)Free HBO for everyone;
6)Ban high fructose corn syrup, which has turned us into an overweight, diebetic-inclined nation.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
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