Saturday, October 4, 2008

The case against McCain/Palin, Part 1

This is Obama/Biden’s election to lose. The electoral map is shrinking for McCain. The independents are beginning to move to Obama, and the Reagan Dems. are looking at their retirement funds and moving in the same direction.
Right now, it looks like the far West, Cal. ,Or., and Wa. are Obama’s (73 electoral votes). Add Minn.,Wi.,Mich, Pa Ny, Florida, and Va. and you have 202 electoral votes).That leaves only 68 votes to gain victory.
The problem for McCain is his inability to engage the bottom-up theory of economic rebirth. He can’t endorse a domestic Marshall Plan…a $300-400 billion program to rebuild our schools, infrastructure; and move to universal health care; and transform our energy infrastructure.
McCain’s image of the US is that of gated communities of the wealthy hiding from the demands of the bottom 80% of our population.
Yes, unfortunately both Obama and McCain have given support to, and voted for, the Peterson bailout. This bailout will create budgetary cuts that will not allow any progressive programs under an Obama Presidency. Obama will be politically impotent.
The strong current of change that is rippling through our communities will be stopped in Washington

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