Saturday, May 8, 2010

Garrrison Keillor's description of Times Square

Humorist Garrison Keillor was in Times Square last Sat. and was actually unaware of the car bomb hullabullo.
His description of Times Square is worth reading:

" I'm fond of Times Square, which is an out-of-body experience offered for free to the general public, the colossal flash and razzmatazz of 10-story LED hi-def imagery rolling and bouncing among the JumboTrons and billboards in the glass canyons above the statue of Father Duffy by the TKTS booth. It is pure hullabaloo, millions in advertising canceling itself out by sheer overload, and one block away is beautiful Bryant Park and the serene reading rooms of the New York Public Library, where, for all you know, the scholarly gentleman across the table from you may be studying the art of explosives. It's a free country...."

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