Sunday, November 7, 2010

Decision,Decisions, all day long. George Bush semi-memoir Decision Points will hit the bookstores this week

Decision,Decisions, all day long. George Bush semi-memoir Decision Points will hit the bookstores this week.

(Decisions, decisions, decisions all day long
Will my decisions work out right or wrong
The,liberals,and Olbermann don’t like anything I do-o-o
Laura seems to feel the same way too

Worries, worries pile up on my head
Woe is me I should have stayed in bed
Can’t get the the book advance that the Clintons got,
my decisions ain’t been so go-o-ood
My legacy is just ain’t swingin’ like it shou-ou-ould

Decisions, decisions, decisions
They’re all on account-a my lovin' you all the way I do
Problems, problems, pro-o-o-o-blems
They wouldn’t have been solved until I’m sure of you-o-ou
You can solve my problems with by buying my book;that’s tru-u-e

Problems, problems, problems all day long

FADE: Problems, problems, problems all day long "
Adopted from the Everly Brothers, Problems,Problems All Day Long


Pres. George Bush is reappearing.
He,and his father, threw out a baseball pitch at the Ranger Stadium during the World Series.
One late night comedian suggested that Bush sold his interest in the Rangers a decade ago,and it took that long for the Rangers to recover.

I don't think the sales will be high on this book. Could be wrong.
I never liked the Bush family..too Texas,too drenched in oil.

Bush writes about how he got to feeling that Cheney was getting too much media attention,and the public was beginning to feel Cheney was too powerful. And Bush explored with Cheney the possibility of not being on the ticket in 2004.
Another comedian suggested that Cheney told the POTUS that I will get back to you on that.

Bush writes that his biggest disappointment was not privitizing Social Security. In short, not being able to give Wall Street and the hedge funds billions of dollars in new retirement money.
Is he serious?

Not disappointment in 9/11 happening;not in stopping the Wall Street financial meltdown;not in invading Iraq; not in downplaying Afgan.;and not in failing to capture Osama.

It will take decades for historians to make a final decision on Bush 2 legacy. I don't believe it will be favorable.

In a satirial look at Bush's decisions, Vanity Fair's Craig Brown outlines Bush's rules for decisionmaking:

1.Leap before you look
2.Never skate on thin water
3.Stare hard at a map and you'll see yourself waving back.
4.A big deal is no big deal
5.Mind up how I may made
6.Always do what your daddy torture.

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