Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Brian Williams warns us that the video may be uncomfortable to watch.
Posted 5 days 28 min ago by gecannonphd

Williams was referring to the crazed man who came to the Florida Board of Education,and began shooting,in revenge for the firing of his wife.
Kudos to the Board lady who came back into the room,and tried to disarm the man with her purse;and to the safety officer who finally brought the man down.
Gun violence is endemic in the US.
A similar event takes place almost every week somewhere.
The gun advocates,and the NRA, really have won the good fight.
We are a heavily armed citizenry,with perhaps over 300 million guns owned by Americans.
I've often thought that perhaps there should be a Barney Fife law,,the Don Knotts deputy sheriff,who could carry a gun but had to keep the bullet in his pocket.

This is the time of joy and happiness and we should keep that in mind this season:

"Remember the reason we celebrate at all, to cherish our families and communities, to pray for peace, to bring warmth and grace to this cold world, and to honor the God that made this world. As hectic and crazy, emotional and confusing, as celebratory or downright pain-filled as the month of December can be, let us remember why we dash through the snow, dash off to the mall, or spend any time spreading some sort of cheer. It is because we believe that there is peace to be found in this world, that in all the chaos that is our lives, there is a moment that shines in the darkness. There are the arms of friends and the embrace of community and the love of God whose very son was born on Christmas Day to keep us going. When we focus on that we are instantly “green.” We spend less time in stress and the mall and more time on the couch with that cup of coffee and warm conversation. Keep focused."

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