Friday, October 14, 2011

Rupert Murdoch, the Fox's Roger Ailes, and House GOP Rep. Darrell Issa need to take the USACoffee Party pledge.

Rupert Murdoch, the Fox's Roger Ailes, and House GOP Rep. Darrell Issa need to take the USACoffee Party pledge.

It's always good to keep tabs on the most rancid outbursts from the rightwing in our country.

The NY Post has vilified the Occupy Wall Street protesters...painting them as dirty,hippy Woodstock scum.
In today's Post, in a seeming objective press story, one reads:

"..Zuccotti Park smelled like an open sewer -- with people urinating and defecating in public.

And some couples have taken advantage of the free condoms distributed by organizers to do the nasty in full view of other protesters..."

I assume the "urinating and defecating" in Zuccotti Park is a Murdoch hyperbole..a common debating tactic to personally attack the protesters, while ignoring the issues they are protesting.

And just what does "doing the nasty.." mean?
I suppose it depends on where sex takes place, but with consenting adults,in proper settings, it's not nasty. It's a puritan joke to describe sex as nasty.

And in the same NY Post, the rancid rightwing lady, Andrea Peyser, laments the freeing of Amanda Knox, claiming both AK and Casey Anthony were too attractive to be considered murderers by the "liberal" press.
Shame, shame on you, Peyser...such a cheap, sleezy column.

And House GOP Rep. Darrell Issa is moving his investigations into the Attorney General's and WH offices.
Issa is a wealthy Joe McCarthy.
His goal is to ramp up the investigations to use in the 2012 elections.
The Fast and Furious issue certainly needs review.
But Issa's goal is to bring down Eric Holder, and in turn, Obama.

May I humbly suggest that the rightwing fear mongers, like Peyser,Murdoch, and the Fox's Roger Ailes join the CoffeePartyUSA; and take its' pledge of civility.

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