What a beautiful Summer morning in Saratoga Springs. The crowds are filling the Broadway walks. The horses are ready. When I waited for several horses to cross to the racetrack, they turned to me and laughed as they made me wait in my box of iron car.
I caught some of the morning pol. jabbering. Sen. Lindsey Graham and former Senator Tom Daschel went at it on Fox . As Graham went on to attack Obama, Daschel said he was nuts. Graham did look like he was foaming at the mouth. Lindsey is irritiating.
Graham and the McCain Rovian farm team are arguing that the Iraq surge has worked, and Obama would have defeated our troops. It is a silly argument. Our Iraq invasion was unnecessary. It will ultimately cost trillions. It has cost over 4K American soldiers lives, and thousands of wounded. It has enbolded Iran in the Middle East. It has diverted attention and resources from Afghan. It has, in the short term, made Israel less secure. It has led to a hugh spike in oil prices. It has created budget deficits and lowered the dollar on the international markets.
On Sunday Morning with George Step., George Will has returned to wearing a bowtie. Not a good omen. On the show, the McCain ad with Britney,Paris, and Obama was discussed. Analyst Jake Tapper talked about the subliminal racism within this ad...the Harold Ford attacks in the Tenn. race in 06. The elephant in the room is racism. The ad can subliminally suggest the highest fear of white Americans...the canard that black males want to capture our young blond females..
I posted on this on Friday, and will paste the quote of another analyst on this:
"What's with the McCain ad comparing Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. One take on this is subliminal racism.
Mark Karlin has a good explanation on this:
"Now, McCain is unleashing what has become known as the Harold Ford "Black Man is Keen on White Women Primal Racism Fear" ad. Why toss tabloid fodder like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton in with Obama? Yes, perhaps to claim that he is all celebrity and no substance, but it was also to subliminally bring the "Harold Ford" factor into play: you can't trust a black man with white women"http://www.buzzflash.com/articles/editorblog/105
Posted by gecannon on August 1, 2008 3:32 PM -------------------------------Let's use this blog as a focus group on this ad. Watch it on YouTube and post your reactions. Is it subliminal racism being used by the MacCain Rovian farm team?
Posted by gecannon on August 3, 2008 12:29 PM
Sunday, August 3, 2008
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