Friday, August 1, 2008

The tracking polls, Obama, and Hillary

The tracking poll data (summarized below from RealClearPoltics) is not good for Obama. True, polls now are of little import. True, it does not breakdown by electoral college votes. But the problem is that the Dem., Obama, should be leading McCain by 10-15 points. All the consellation of issues and voter dissatification with the direction of the country should have Obama leading by a large margin.
He should be looking to Hillary for VP. It could not hurt him.
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) McCain (R) SpreadRCP Average 07/18 - 07/31 — 46.6 43.9 Obama +2.7Gallup Tracking 07/28 - 07/30 2679 RV 45 44 Obama +1.0Rasmussen Tracking 07/29 - 07/31 3000 LV 47 46 Obama +1.0CNN 07/27 - 07/29 914 RV 51 44 Obama +7.0USA Today/Gallup 07/25 - 07/27 791 LV 45 49 McCain +4.0Pew Research 07/23 - 07/27 1241 RV 47 42 Obama +5.0Democracy Corps (D) 07/21 - 07/24 1004 LV 50 45 Obama +5.0FOX News 07/22 - 07/23 900 RV 41 40 Obama +1.0NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 07/18 - 07/21 1003 RV 47 41 Obama +6.0
See All General Election: McCain vs. Obama Polling Data

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