A majority is 50% +1
A US Senate majority is 51 votes.
For some inexplicable reason, the background check amendment defeated yesterday needed 60 votes to pass.
Dem. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid speaks softly; a Mormon with
strong personal morals (he apparently doesn’t smoke or drink).
But perhaps what is needed is a lapel grabber; a neck squeezer; an LBJ “treatment” leader.
This is not an endorsement of LBJ. He was an “animal in many ways” (RFK); and corrupt.
The ’64 Civil Rights, voting rights, and the ’65 Medicare laws would
have become reality if JFK had lived. Goldwater would have been defeated
in ’64; and the Congress would have had a strong Dem. majority in both
90% of adult Americans favor stronger background gun checks.
As the ladies in the Senate gallery shouted out when the amendment was defeated “Shame, shame on you all.”
The US Senate is an elitist; dysfunctional non-democratic dinosaur.
A US Senate majority is 51 votes.
For some inexplicable reason, the background check amendment defeated yesterday needed 60 votes to pass.
Dem. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid speaks softly; a Mormon with strong personal morals (he apparently doesn’t smoke or drink).
But perhaps what is needed is a lapel grabber; a neck squeezer; an LBJ “treatment” leader.
This is not an endorsement of LBJ. He was an “animal in many ways” (RFK); and corrupt.
The ’64 Civil Rights, voting rights, and the ’65 Medicare laws would have become reality if JFK had lived. Goldwater would have been defeated in ’64; and the Congress would have had a strong Dem. majority in both houses.
90% of adult Americans favor stronger background gun checks.
As the ladies in the Senate gallery shouted out when the amendment was defeated “Shame, shame on you all.”
The US Senate is an elitist; dysfunctional non-democratic dinosaur.