Sunday, April 21, 2013

More than four years after leaving office, former President George W. Bush has a question for America: So what would you have done?

A Presidential Center for the 21st Century
In a new brick-and-limestone museum, visitors to an interactive theater
will be presented with the stark choices that confronted the nation’s
43rd president: invade Iraq or leave Saddam Hussein in power? Deploy
federal troops after Hurricane Katrina or rely on local forces? Bail out Wall Street or let the banks fail?...)
Good golly, Mr. POTUS Bush.
Hellzapoppin', I say.
Now you want to make your decisions democratic, with every visitor to your library voting.
Where was this interactive decision-making when we needed it?
Would Cheney/Rumsfeld, and the war-mongering neo-cons. have wanted a democratic process on these decisions?
When Bush 2 was getting ready to invade Iraq, this poster walked to the Albany Capital on a very cold Jan evening. I walked with several hundred, in a real, not interactive, opposition to the bad decision to invade Iraq.
Millions in the US and the world did the same.
But it didn't matter; and Bush lost no sleep on this decision.
Yes, Bush 2 should have sent in federal troops to the Big Easy. That was a no-brainer. Just one media interview with the Big Easy corrupt, brain dead, Mayor Ray Nagin would have convinced anyone that fed. troops were needed.
If a Wall St. bank is too big to fail, it is too big to exist.

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