Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Boston Mayor and Mass. Gov. both claim that there could have been additional terrorists about to engage in evil doing; and the shut-down of the Boston metro. area was a judicious ,cautionary act.

The Boston Mayor and Mass. Gov. both claim that there could have been additional terrorists about to engage in evil doing; and the shut-down of the Boston metro. area was a judicious ,cautionary act.
Some Senators are calling for the death penalty for the surviving kid terrorist.
If you are opposed to the death penalty, as this poster is, then there must be consistency. No wobbling on this opposition.
Experts on the Sunday AM political shows all concur that the surviving terrorist cannot be tried as an "enemy combatant"..he is a US citizen
A robot was used to remove the boat tarp. to make the kid terrorist visible.
Kudos to the robot.
Hopefully he/she is paid a living wage; and was given some ice cream and cake.
Ok, I understand how preventing backpacks, bags etc among the finishing line crowd would not be feasible.
But how about detectors, scanning every bag/backpack as the spectators lined up?

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