(Anthony Weiner’s Bar Mitzvah photo is here. (Atlantic))
Without opening the Atlantic link, let us all have courage to believe the photo is , what do we say, “clean”.
Mr. Weiner, unfortunately, is not a recovering politico; obviously did not graduate from the politico addiction 12-step program.
The city’s voters are a tough crowd, but Weiner is polling second in
the Dem primary lineup. It could be that the NYC Council Speaker
Christine Quinn is not a shoe-in.
Weiner reminds me of Chicago Mayor, former high staffer to Bill Clinton and POTUS Obama, Rahm Emanuel.
Both are type A, hard charging personalities.
The difference is that Rahm did not send obscene photos. to ladies.
Best of luck to Weiner.
If I lived in the city, I would encourage his lovely wife,Huma Abedin, to enter the Dem. primary race.
Her husband displays, as the saying goes, “unbelievable chutzpah.”
Without opening the Atlantic link, let us all have courage to believe the photo is , what do we say, “clean”.
Mr. Weiner, unfortunately, is not a recovering politico; obviously did not graduate from the politico addiction 12-step program.
The city’s voters are a tough crowd, but Weiner is polling second in the Dem primary lineup. It could be that the NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn is not a shoe-in.
Weiner reminds me of Chicago Mayor, former high staffer to Bill Clinton and POTUS Obama, Rahm Emanuel.
Both are type A, hard charging personalities.
The difference is that Rahm did not send obscene photos. to ladies.
Best of luck to Weiner.
If I lived in the city, I would encourage his lovely wife,Huma Abedin, to enter the Dem. primary race.
Her husband displays, as the saying goes, “unbelievable chutzpah.”