Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Tower, at the Twin Towers site, will be 1776 ft. high, a symbolic tip of the hat to our nation's revolutionary beginnings.

"...Once installed, the spire — weighing more than 700 tons — will crown the
Freedom Tower at 1,776 feet, making it the tallest building in the
Western Hemisphere, according to the Port Authority of New York and New
Jersey. The building currently tops out at 1,368 feet.''
The Tower, at the Twin Towers site, will be 1776 ft. high, a symbolic tip of the hat to our nation's revolutionary beginnings.
I'm not a NYC real estate operator; or a Bloomberg staffer.
Obviously, there was much planning, and political conflict, that produced this idea of a high Freedom Tower.
But I say the idea is ridiculous; produced from the limited brain capacity of the planners and realtors.
Our brains, the 3 pound limitless marvel, have constantly growing, dying, and renewal of neurons, dendrites, synapses.
This idea of a high Freedom Tower was concocted by those with misfiring neurons; by those whose brains at lodged in their wallets or in their lower rear anatomy.
Who is going to agree to work in the top floors of this Freedom Tower?
Even Oprah or Ellen DeGeneres couldn't give away free rent to businesses urged to occupy the top floors.

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