Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How about the FBI and US Attorneys providing all the Capital legislators with a Google Glass present?

How about the FBI and US Attorneys providing all the Capital legislators with a Google Glass present?
Forget about wiring suspect legislators.
The FBI, in its ongoing stings of Albany politicos, should provide all legislators with a pair of Google Glasses.
The Google Glass, still undergoing field testing, is a small computer that attaches to the eyeglasses.
The early prototypes are activated with gestures or voice commands.
With the command by the wearer, the computer would take pics. or record conservations.
As the Google Glass evolves, it will be possible to activate the computer with just a wink of an eye.
This device could be the prosecutors and FBI legal wet dream.
As the legislature conferences meet, all the members would be found wearing the Google Glasses.
Can you imagine Victor Lopez winking at all the female members of the Assembly Dem. conference and on the Assembly floor; and for the first time the female legislators, equal in rank to Lopez, winking back.

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