Monday, May 13, 2013

The white smoke emanating from the White House west wing Friday may signal the Obama administration is burning documents in anticipation of coming impeachment proceedings.

The white smoke emanating from the White House west wing Friday may signal the Obama administration is burning documents in anticipation of coming impeachment proceedings.
The conservative attack dogs are snarling, with sharpened teeth, as the clamor for possible impeachment of Obama gains steam.
In his regular role on ABC’s Sunday Morning, the venerable Dr. George Will had a small note card, outlining the Nixon impeachment charge of using the IRS for political skullduggery.
Will was implying, even stating directly, that Obama’s IRS caper in auditing tea party, conservative pacs can easily become an impeachment charge.
The very conservative Utah Mormon US Sen. Orrin Hatch says the IRS caper is Nixonian!!*
Sen. Lindsey Graham says the Benghazi episode is “every bit as damaging as Watergate.”
Okie US Senator James Inhofe says the Benghazi affair is worse than Watergate.**
Many of the House GOP radicals seem to be itching for an impeachment move.
Nobody should be surprised if this scenario transpires in the next year.
It will signal the depths of the political toxic cesspool that is DC in our modern age.
It could also trigger a violent civil war in our country.
*Nixonian is cool sounding….taking a personal name and converting it into a conjugated noun.
A google search found this:
Washingtonian Adamsonian Jeffersonian
Madisonian Monrovian Jacksonian
Burenian Harrisonian Tylerian
Polkian Taylorian Filmorian
Pierceian Buchananian Lincolnian
Johnsonian Grantonian Hayesian
Garfieldian Arthurian Clevelandian
Harrisonian McKinleyan Rooseveltian
Howardian Wilsonian Hardingian
Coolidgean Hooverian Trumanian
Eisenhoweran (can’t find a cite for this, but maybe “Ikeian”?)
Kennedian Nixonian Fordian
Carterian Reaganian Bushonian
Clintonian Obamaian
**The extreme right-wing wackjobs took to the airwaves this weekend and declared that the IRS caper is worse than Watergate.
Me thinks they are engaged in hyper-hyperbole.
Watergate was the culmination of a long White House operation, a cesspool of illegalities, commandeered by Nixon and his venerable plumbers.
Investigator Lamar Waldron has perhaps finally determined why Nixon wanted the Dem. Committee Watergate offices burglarized.
It was to find the secret files on the CIA, White House executive actions, assassination program against Casro; and its’ relationship to the murder of JFK.

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