Wednesday, May 8, 2013

(The Post says the New York GOP was right to invite Sen. Ted Cruz to speak. (NYP)) ************************

(The Post says the New York GOP was right to invite Sen. Ted Cruz to speak. (NYP))
Sen. Cruz will help the NY tea partiers increase their clout within the NY GOP.
He will help to marginalize the GOP in this state. As a independent-type Dem., I say go for it.
Cruz is a Joe McCarthy clone; displays a bullying persona in his short time in the US Senate.
He represents the decline of the Senate as a traditionalist institution.
The traditional Senate norms would have someone like Cruz marginalized;
and would allow him to make radical speeches and insult fellow Senators
only after he learns where the Senate bathrooms are located.
Former Senator, Dr. Gary Hart, has a good recent blog describing the sorry decline of the traditional Senate.

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