Monday, May 13, 2013

(…The level of the most important heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide, has passed a long-feared milestone, scientists reported Friday, reaching a concentration not seen on the earth for millions of years.

(…The level of the most important heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere,
carbon dioxide, has passed a long-feared milestone, scientists reported
Friday, reaching a concentration not seen on the earth for millions of
Scientific instruments showed that the gas had reached an average daily
level above 400 parts per million — just an odometer moment in one
sense, but also a sobering reminder that decades of efforts to bring
human-produced emissions under control are faltering….)
And it is likely too late to reverse the damage that this CO2 concentration has done, and will do, to the Earth’s ecosystem.
Al Gore,Bill McKibben et. al. can sound the alarm; but who among us is going to give up our affluent lifestyle.
Who is going to give up our cars, tech. toys, consumer desires to deal with the record CO2 level?
While our national political class dithers , and dabbles in inane political toxic fights, the Earth’s ecosystem is telling us, in so many ways every day, that our consumer, wasteful way of life is dangerous.

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