Saturday, October 4, 2008

Additional ruminations

Some ruminations_____________
*O.J. is found guilty. Good golly! He played football without a helmet.
*The bailout passed Congress. It’s a disgrace. Where is the $800 billion coming from? It will have to be borrowed…probably from China.Where does the fed. bailouts stop? Can any private corporation make strategic errors, and then ask Wash. to take the bad elements of the company.All of these supposed bad mortages have a tangible asset, the house. The investment houses are giving these houses a value of zero, or what is called “mark to market”. If the house can’t get anything today, it can still have a good value in the future.We need a domestic bailout. Andy Stern, pres. of SEIU, is calling for a $350 billion bailout for domestic programs….education, universal health care, infrastructure, and renewable energy.
*Novelist Erica Jong takes on Sara Palin:“Sarah Palin is a character out of Lewis Carroll. No one can translate that smile. She’s the Cheshire Cat.
She is the woman politician advertisers have been waiting for — all style and no substance. Full of confidence and full of beans, the walk of feminism without the talk. Nobody can object because there’s nothing to object to. Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro had ideas you could disagree with. But Sarah Palin is perky and inscrutable at once, you betcha. She talks. We listen but we have no idea what’s been said.
She is the female candidate of GOP dreams. She talks, she smiles, she flirts, she never opposes. She makes mistakes but nobody seems to care. We watch her lips go up, go down, go sideways. We watch her eyes glisten behind rimless glasses. The beauty pageant promoters removed her soul so it wouldn’t get in the way. How can we dismiss her or debate her? She’s a bubble. She’s fizz.”

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