Saturday, October 4, 2008

Palin ruminations

The young girl Sara Palin survived…did not make any really goofy comments.In that sense, she did alright.She answered in broad strokes, generalities, and tried to use her “hockey mom” demeanor to sway voters.But as liberal E.J. Dionne writes, “this hockey mom is on thin ice…”She is not qualified to be vp.We are facing the most dangerous period, perhaps in our history. McCain would be the oldest Pres. in history…Palin would be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.In early 1960, Pres. Ike was asked at a press meet when was the last time he consulted, and listened, to VP Richard Nixon. Ike said he needed a week to think of the occasion.On what issue would McCain consult with Palin as VP?Biden kept his cool and did well. On a debate scorecard, he won.If that girl had accused me of “raising the white flag and surrendering (in Iraq morass)”, as she did to Biden and Obama, I would have converted her into moosemeat in front of 50 million viewers.Analyst Bob Beckel has it right when he said “she engaged in homespun platitudes, and repetitive inane comments..”

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