Saturday, May 4, 2013

NY State Capital corruption

Shirley Huntley was wired, as the NYT story details.



This story broke on Friday.

In Karen DeWitt's otherwise good interview with Dean Skelos on NYNow, she didn't ask about Huntley's being wired; and the alleged implication of Sen. John Sampson.

In the NYT's story, an Albany Senator was quoted:

("...Senator Tony Avella, a Queens Democrat, said the cases that came out
recently represented, in his mind, “just the tip of the iceberg.” Mr.
Avella said he was not shocked to hear that Ms. Huntley had been making
secret recordings. “I’m so jaded at this point that I’m not surprised,”
he said. “And from my perspective, let them all wear wires. Let’s catch
everybody. Maybe if we clean out the whole system, we can move forward.”)


Allow this tattered nonentity blogger to differ on this.

The problem with the Southern US attorneys office use of wiretaps; secret tapes accrued through "wiring" of Albany politicos is the danger of undermining all confidence in politics and government.

There are rotten apples that dwell in the bottom of the political barrel; barnacles that attach to ship of state; scum that floats in the political pond.

So why not wire all Albany state politicos?

Because the politicos who are non-corrupt; and rather as honest as politicians can be are tainted with this broad prosecutors brush.

The right-wing, tea partiers enjoy the Albany scandals because it confirms their hard-wired anti-government ideology.

The wiring of state politicos can lead to pervasive paranoia.

The Assembly and Senate could easily replicate the physical brawl that broke out in the Venezuelan National Assembly .


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