Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Robin Kelly, a pro-gun control candidate backed by Bloomberg and his money, won a congressional primary in Illinois. (WP))

(Robin Kelly, a pro-gun control candidate backed by Bloomberg and his money, won a congressional primary in Illinois. (WP))
“A multimillion-dollar ad blitz by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to stop an NRA-backed House candidate in Illinois paid off Tuesday night, as local official Robin Kelly crushed more than a dozen Democratic candidates vying to replace disgraced former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.
Bloomberg and gun control proponents seized on the results as evidence of momentum in their push to enact President Barack Obama’s gun control package. The mayor will take that message to Washington Wednesday in meetings with Vice President Joe Biden, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), according to Bloomberg’s public schedule.
Bloomberg’s gun control advocacy, and the use of his vast fortune in this area, may be the Mayor’s most important legacy.
Critics see his role here as another manifestation of his innate “nanny state” instincts.
I see this as a rational, productive way to translate his clout into good public policy.
The 2ndA was written when the single bullet musket was the gun of choice.
It is time to reframe, revise, rewrite the 2ndA to respond to the realities of the 21stC.

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