Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The POTUS goes golfing in Florida, while 35k-50k rally in DC against the approval of the Keystone pipeline.

The POTUS goes golfing in Florida, while 35k-50k rally in DC against the approval of the Keystone pipeline.
One late night comedian cracked that you must conclude that the
Obamas have a strong marriage when Michelle goes skiing in Aspen,
allowing her husband to spend a weekend with Tiger Wood in Florida.

This blogger can laugh at the joke, but also there is very likely a
hidden, deep political reason that the POTUS left town this past

It may have been to avoid seeing up to 50k climate change believers
,anti-Keystone pipeline ralliers demanding that he, and Sec. of State
Kerry, reject the pipeline proposal.

The Keystone pipeline would be a 2000 mile line, sending up to
700,000 barrels of heavy Canadian tar sand crude oil daily down to the
Gulf coast.

The 50k ralliers believe that approving the pipeline will begin the end of civilization as we know it.
The Alberta tar sand crude will send tons of additional CO2 into the
atmosphere, enough to tip the climate,environmental to a pollution level
that could not be reversed.
Could it be that Obama left town because he, and Kerry, have already decided to green light the pipeline?

The position in support of the Keystone pipeline was articulated by the NYT's Joe Nocera.
If found the column unpersuasive.
Nocera is dressed up as Prince Poppycock on this issue; and his position if flap-doodle

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